BS 9991: The national standard for fire safety in residential buildings revision

The UK’s most widely used fire safety standard, BS 9991:2024 gives guidance on ensuring an adequate degree of life safety is achieved in the event of fire in residential buildings, and provides a level of protection for property and businesses in proximity to residential buildings.


Key updates to BS 9991:2024

The 2024 revision incorporates significant updates to address modern building complexities and advancements in fire safety research. Key updates include:

  • Expanded scope: Residential care homes are now included, recognising their specific evacuation and fire safety challenges.
  • Changes to timber usage: Restrictions on the reaction-to-fire classifications for load-bearing timber elements have been removed, reflecting current evidence on mass timber use in medium and high-rise residential buildings.
  • Revised sprinkler and single-stair guidance: Updates introduce a new height limit for single-stair buildings and refine sprinkler installation recommendations.
  • European fire door classifications: National classifications are replaced with European standards for greater consistency and reliability.
  • Enhanced smoke control and evacuation lift recommendations: Improved provisions for tall buildings ensure better safety during fire emergencies.
  • Updates to ancillary areas, kitchens, and external wall systems: Revised guidance incorporates the latest safety practices for these critical areas.

This essential update also includes the latest recommendations for firefighting systems, occupant safety, and environmental protection.


If you have any queries in relation to the above , please contact our Technical Team to discuss.  Tel 0207 099 3636