Consultancy Services Scope of Work
The Building Safety Act (BSA) has been hailed as a once in a generation change.
This has introduced new responsibilities and legal requirements for Clients, Principal Designers, Contractors and other appointed persons. Furthermore, a new regime means that Higher-Risk Buildings (HRBs) will undergo a new route to compliance whereby the Building Safety Regulator (BSR) will be the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).
With many years of experience in this sector, LBC can assist Dutyholders by providing the expertise required to manage and monitor compliance risk and advice on revised Building Regulations which includes support through gateway 2 process for HRB applications. This complete BSA advisory role covers the following:
- Client BRPD advisory service and support
- Principal Designer advisory service and support
- Principal Contractor advisory service and support
Scope of Service
Following our appointment as BRPD advisors we will:
- Request and obtain the necessary information to advise on HRB and Building Regulation compliance matters.
- Liaise as necessary with clients, designers, and contractors to assist with their Building Regulation compliance duties as well as advising on competency.
- Review design information and provide compliance reports highlighting risks and any significant departures from guidance.
- Assess amendments throughout the scheme up to Gateway 3 and provide written feedback on compliance and non-compliances.
- Review and advise on compliance for all documents necessary to make an application to the BSR-Regulation 12
- Retain full records of compliance assessments and philosophy for future reference and continuity
It is important to note that this role differs to that of the Building Control Body or AHJ, who have a statutory function to perform on the project. It is also important to note that this is not a Principal Designer nor Principal Contractor role and therefore does not relieve dutyholders of their legal compliance responsibilities. The advisory role essentially supports dutyholders with their legal obligations in an advisory capacity.
Note: We cannot perform any RBCA restricted functions or activities on a project we are appointed as a BSA advisor as this would be a conflict of interest.
Contact Us
For further information contact Angie Grover ( if you wish to discuss an upcoming project.